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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hah! Finally its the weekends again!! My favourite days of the week! Where i can finally rest a little =D And this week end had been a realy eventful one!! *Cheers* Firstly on sat, i accompanied Shee Min to causeway point as she wanted to catch a glimpse of Jiro Wang. I just wanted to see Rainie and George Hu =d Hee hee! And we went there at around 4-5 and the place was already filled with people from the first floor till the third! Aww~ And poor us had to 'book' a place on the second floor... =( Luckily the view's not bad but we still could not take a very clear pic of the stars... *sniff* And we waited all the way til 7, half way off i went to grab my S.H.E albums plus Genie's!!! Yea!! Soo happy cause S.H.E finally arrived in Singapore! After a year and 7 months! Went back and continued to wait until sam came and showed off her 'sexy' pants!! Lols! Just joking only... =p And Jun Hao came to help us take pics cause he needed them too =) And when he came the time was around 7:30 and the stars were already 30mins late... They did not appeared till an hour later... Grr~ Waited UBER long!!! Heard blurry from the host that Jiro and George got some problem or something... Cant really hear what the hist was saying... Bad sound system =.= Anyway they still came and they talked about their show and etc.... Lazy to elaborate =p Saving space for S.H.E later!!!! Lols! Just kidding~ But really not much to say about this event... So... Just wanna share some pics and a video i took with me phone... PS if the quality sucks... Cause i really damn far from the stage... Was on the second floor...


Yay! Hope you enjoy!! Stay tuned for S.H.E!!! =D

was here on10:50 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day :D

Today is Valentines! Spent it working :( Sad with homework too =.=''' Aww~ No fair. Ya but i got some Valentines gifts to give to all me friends!!! =D

Firstly to the gurls!!! Hehe!! =p

To: Tang Jie

Wish you would always be filled with energy!!!

To Pei Lian:

Thanks for giving me soo much maths luck!! =p

To Sam and Jo:

Both of you really blue leh! Hehehe~ No la... =p

To the rest of the gurls =D :

To the guys :D :

Happy Valentines! Hope you like your gifts =p Bad economy now... Gotta save $$$$$ soo hope you all can understand *sniff* Hehe~ Hope you all like the flowers although you can't hold them... They have an eternal shelf-life! ( Unless your com break down or my blog kena delete by virus ) If not... The flowers stays! The chocolates too, they don't rot! And are fat-free cause you can't consume it! :D

was here on11:53 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tag a quiz from sam last week :D


1. beside your lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed
-Lets see... Hmm~ Cheeks, Toes, Nose? Aiya, don’t know la!

2. how do you feel when you wake up this morning?
-Mmm~ I wanna sleep even more ;D

3. who was the last person you took a photo with?
- Quite a number of people leh... At sam’s bd dinner.

4. would you considered yourself to be spoiled?
- Nope! I’m fresh!

5. would you ever donate blood?
- To some specific doners by the names of Kotax, Whisper and Sofy.

6. have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
- Yup.

7. do you want someone dead?

8. what does your last text message says?
- Call Peilian to call me urgent.

9. what are you thinking right now?
- Completing this quiz =.=

10. do you wish someone be with you right now?
- Hmm~ To accompany go buy shoes?

11. what is the time you go to sleep last night?
- Lets see... At 3:30 a.m this morning?

12. where did you buy the t-shirt you are wearing now?
- Hang Ten

13. is someone on your mind right now?
- Erm... Many people leh... Got 鬼鬼, 丫頭, 小蠻, 筱捷 AND 小薰! (Some of the members of a Taiwanese girl band, 黑Girl ! Cause I’m listening to their song now :D

14. who was the last person who texted you?
- My mom XD

10 ppl tagged to do this quiz.
1. Samantha
2. Tang Jie
3. Wenjie
4. Peilian
5. Shee Min
6. Ke Qi
7. Roy
8. Helen
9. Jia En
10. Shu Hua

15. who is 2 having a relationship with?
- LOLS! Thats a REAL tough question! Cause she got too many relationships! Can ask her yourself :D

16. is 3 a male or a female?
- Hmm... fe... ... ... ... MALE la! LOLs !

17. if 7 & 10 get together, will it be a good thing?
- OMI!!! Is there a possibility in the first place? I think NO WAY man!

18. what is number 1 studying about?
- Okay... She’s studying about current affairs on Sat’s Newspaper to prepare for GP. LOL!

19. when was the last time you had a chat with them?
- Erm~ Just a min ago?

20. is number 4 single?
- Hmm~ Unless she has a secret date with a male giraffe! HEEE!! Kidding only!

21. say something about number 2.
- Unique, Cool, Got Character, Personality and Talents!

22. what do you think about number 3 & number 6 being tgt?
- OMG! NO WAY!!!! Not possible!

23. describe number 9.
- Humourous?

24. what will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?
- Erm~ Stand and see? Or RUN? Cause 6 maybe quite scary... =p JK only!!

25. do you like number 8?
- Ya! She’s SOOOOOO CUTE!!! (Act one)


was here on11:32 AM

Lols! So long never blog le... Hehe~ PS... cause still not really used to waking up early =.=''' So very tired by the ned of the day...

So... The second week of school passed!!!! Finally again! The weekends! I can sleep in!! This whole week has been a much heavy week on my brain compared to last week where we played games during orientation. Why? Cause~ It has been lectures for a whole week!!! And the worst part was that homework is also given!! Nonono~ But the worst os the worst part is that, all the topics taught were ALIEN to me!!! Oh dear... Its been a crazy week trying to copy notes =X Grr! And the lecturers aren't helping either man... The chem lecturer looks a little like the ex form teacher of 2E2, Ms Kong =D but honestly... She's not human!!! She's a machine gun man!!! Speak soo fast, and keep doing the questions soo fast... Copy till my hand break le la... :( Than still got maths! I solemnly say that... I HATE MATHS!!!!!! Damn man... When i just understand the first part of chapter 1, the lecturer is already at chapter 2~ What is this?! Can't understand :( But the funny thing is that... this lecturer looks like 许纯美!! Whahahaha!! Hey, i'm not trying to be mean or anything, but she simply her look alike... I still need humour to live on!!!

Now comes Bio, at least this lecturer is a little more humane compared to the other lecturers :D Her class was funny and was normal paced... At least i can relax my hand a little here. But Bio is confusing~ Got soo confused already :(Econs... Actually not much comments there cause not really paying attention on the lectures =p But this lecturer is quite funny and her lectures aren't that boring... But thats for this week only... From next week onwards... Wha!! I see PE!!! NO~ Its on Mon somemore! 2 hours a week, poor me! Haiz~ Just gotta live with it. =X

was here on9:32 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

OMG!!!!!! The day i have awaited for 1 year plus!! Genie!!! Lols! I took excited le, hehe, she soo pretty! But the regret is that i arrived 45 mins late for the auto session... :( Sad man!! *Snuffles* Missed the first part of her interview and maybe a song too, but i still caught two of her songs which is 独家快乐 ( One of my fav's in her recent album! Maybe not too recent, but still latest one :D Omi! Can imagine Tang jie's reaction on this comment!! Erm, no offences meant :) Smiles!! ) and 爱的城堡 . Well, i have a short clip on her singing it, but when i say short, i means its real SHORT! Enjoy!!

Geez, imagine standing at the last row and trying to get a glimpse of her when you have two whole rows in front of you filled with people holding up boards and screaming GENIE~!!! Poor me, smacked at the back! *Snuffles* Anyway, i also took some pics :) But... The quality really... Really... Is bad! Sorry! But hey! Its actually quite hard to take clear pic with a trembling while balacing on your toes, you know.

After the auto session, i went to meet up with TJ, sam and junhao before going for a dinner with the Ambience members. We went to a Waraku, a japanese restaurant, best i have visited. Maybe cause the surroundings are real good and you will feel relaxed :) The dinner was damn funny and yummy! The restaurant offers a wide range of japanese food and the portions are... WORTH your $$$$!! The portions served are all BIG! And its was actually meant for 2 persons but Tangjie ordered a side dish and this left most of the Ambience members sitting around her open-mouthed. Lols! We got to know some new members and we went home real tired, haha :D

was here on10:58 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today sam, cat, roy, peilian, yiting, me and wenjie went back to Adss to visit the Chers. I met them outside the school cause i... Overslept =.=''' Thats the very typical me, I got no time management! Always late when meeting others, *snuffles* I am confessing my sins!!

Anyway... I met them outside school at around... 2pm? Cant remember that clearly ( WARNING: I got serious STM ) And as I approach the gate i saw yiting waving at me and later she said she had been 'exercising' for the past hour by walking around the school 3 times! Cause she thought we were meeting at 1, poor gurl. Well after we got into the school, we waited for Ms Sujena and Mrs Nicole Lim to 'pick' us up =p We passed the presents to them and headed to the Tech-hub to slack and Ms Sujena took a century ( No Bluffs ) to take a shawl, Lols! Geez, missed the times in school :(

After we left school, peilian and wenjie took a ppic in front of the school banner cause they were featured in it! Lols! Than as we headed home, i gotta sudden urge to get something and made a hasty decision to go IMM, pulling sam and roy along. ( Actually... I... CONFESSED!! I just wanted to go there to check out the place where the IMM management is going to hold Genie's auto session :D Very despo hor, but thats me!! ) But... we had to 'drag' peilian along, cause she refused to go at first! LOLs! But when we got to IMM, i went... Gaga!! Lols, cause i saw on the door that Genie was going to have her auto the next day at 2pm!!! ( Genie>>> 卓文萱 ) But i gotta work till 2.15pm! But i was still determined to go, lols, so i ended up looking for the place where she was to have her auto session so i can save time tmr looking for the place. Than we went to Red Ginger, i had a yummy chicken chop with spring rolls ;D and next on the menu...

I had milk tea flvoured, peilian had black sesame, sam and roy both had sea salt and caramel :D Ya, yummy ice-cream and we walked up to Daiso but U-turned to the garden plaza cause we were eating ice-creams and there we took some pics =p

After this we went to Daiso to get some stuffs and i bought a few stuffs and i got home to clean my room =.=''' Its super messy! And feeling very excited cause i going to see Genie tmr!! Yipee!! So happy!! Waited for 1 year and a few days ba... Since her last visit to S'pore!! Yay! Gonna go watch videos. Hehe! =p

was here on10:36 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Geez, submitted my JAE today, really hope i could squeeze into Innova =.= Would not wanna land me ass in Serangoon x.x But i gotta terrrible feeling though... ( NoNoNo *Touch Wood* ) Lols!

But... Hey! My IE broke down =.=''' Which is 'GREAT', now i'm left bored for the next few days!! All thanks to my sis! So me and sam went to roy's house to submit our JAE, we set off in the afternoon to roy's house and spent the whole afternoon... SLACKING! Lols. We ended up watching TV, updating blogs in which sam helped me to create this thingy! (Yo! Thanks girl!) Than sam felt hungry and we when a whole round just to try to call MacDelivery, Lols! In the end, sam called the hotline and we waited for our orders to come, after dinner we helped cleaned roy's guinea pigs, cool!

Finally by 7 we posted our JAE, but roy's printer went haywire and we could not print our confirmaion slip. Lols it was hilarious while we dealt with that printer :D Hope i could get into Innova *pray hard* Geez... tired... Nights!

was here on11:33 PM

About Me

Karen [:
TSKaholic * Kushikatsu
Emo-Bugs * Broccolee

underline bold italics


Ke Qi
Pei Lian
Tang Jie
Shu hua
Jia En
Jun Hao
Shee Min
Ru Huan
Swee Ting


S.H.E Ambience


My Memories

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